Insurance Planning

Managing Life's Risks

If there’s one thing certain about life – it’s the uncertainty that life brings. Let’s face it – life is unpredictable. 

In an instant, a lifetime of working and savings can be turned upside down. 

We know that unplanned circumstances not only affect physical and emotional well-being, but they can also create a challenge to achieving your financial dreams and goals.  Even though you may think you’ve covered all the bases, life sometimes has a funny way of throwing you a curveball when you least expect it. We are the best Insurance Planning Service Provider in Delhi.

Luckily, while you can strive your best to plan wisely and thoroughly, you can also hedge your bets against the unintended through prudent insurance planning.

Why Insurance Planning is Important

Without proper planning, be it investment planning, retirement planning, or estate planning, you’ll likely not invest successfully, retire comfortably, or leave a meaningful legacy for your beneficiaries. Without a well-thought-out insurance plan, every one of those facets of a financial plan could be exposed to unforeseen risks.

Good planning helps you identify and plan for all the risks involved in every aspect of your financial life. Thoughtful insurance planning helps mitigate the risks you can’t foresee or those that you are unable to plan around.  Managing life’s risks is a key part of our process.  While financial planning focuses on building your wealth, insurance or risk management emphasizes strategies to preserve it.  This means the most cost-effective solutions to address various eventualities, including death of a loved one, the need for long-term care or the event of a disability.

Our Path

Over the course of your lifetime you will experience many personal and financial changes. As these changes occur, it is important that you are prepared to meet them with adequate insurance planning.

At Sentinel India, here’s what we do for you as part of our Insurance Planning service:

Comprehensive review

We will examine what areas of your finances and personal goals are at risk, and review existing plans, if you have them, to ensure they continue to fit your needs. We then advise and guide you on which risk areas you are most exposed to and suggest the appropriate actions to take.

Retirement income through annuities

Sometimes the best way to guarantee retirement income is the simplest – annuities.  These products vary in terms of pay-out options and conditions, and we will help you make sense of it all.

Death-event security

If you have people that depend upon you being around for many years to come, like your spouse/partner, minor children, aged parents, we’ll advise on what life insurance policies best suit your needs and budget.

Disability and long-term care protection

Accidents, at home, at work, during your commute, can leave you severely disabled and financially stressed, as can debilitating illness. We’ll help you insure against such unexpected turn of events. This includes taking a close look at what employee benefits you have in these areas. 

Insuring estate and succession plans

When structured correctly, insurance can be a great estate planning tool as well, especially when your estate has a large amount of illiquid assets such as businesses or real estate holdings. Partners in business may also use insurance policies as a great financial tool to aid in succession planning.