A Best financial plan to reap benefits over the long term is important for all households. Financial planning generally encompasses two main aspects: wealth creation and preservation. Many people are immersed in accumulating wealth and overlook the importance of...
When you are young, it can seem like retirement is something you don’t have to worry about. However, financial planning is crucial if you wish to enjoy a relaxing and comfortable retirement. Whatever you envision your ideal retirement to...
The only certainty in life is that it is a bit uncertain. For example, a traumatic incident, such as a car accident, could drain your savings! So, how do you protect yourself financially and your family members from unexpected...
Financial Planning encompasses all processes which apply general management guidelines in the management of the finance of an organization, including planning the organization, directing and acquiring money, and investing and return of funds. Students will be taught about the...
Are you saving for the future? NO or YES? If you are, then you must be wondering what a stupid question that is, because it’s so obvious that one needs to save money for the future. We all do...
Not happy with your mutual fund performance? Do you think its a bad mutual fund, because it is not doing well from last many years? A lot of mutual funds investors lose their patience looking at their mutual fund’s...
Does it makes any sense to buy “Return of Premium Term Plan”? The one-line answer is “NO – it does not make sense” A “Return of Premium Term Plan” or TROP as its called – pays back all your premiums...